Wednesday, February 16, 2011

J2: Photography-The art behind the lens

Photography-The art behind the lens (Journal 2/Post 6)

Photography allows someone who may no be good at drawing or painting the opportunity to be creative. Any individual can take a picture but is it a good photograph? While taking a good photograph you have to think about so many different things like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and view point. These things are important because it adds visual character and easy for the viewers eyes to follow.


Rule of Thirds

Imagine 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines creating the image in 9 equal parts. Try and position the most important parts of the image in the corners where these lines meet.

Leading Lines
Eyes are naturally geared to follow different lines when using lines in a photography you should use them to the benefit of the photograph. To do this it should allow your viewers eyes to follow through the image for example a road should lead you through or to something.

View Point
View point is important because it adds interest to the photograph. Before snapping the picture see what would add interest maybe it shouldn't be shot from eye level but should be shot from a bird's eye view or even a dog's eye view.

From personal experience you capture more unique and creative images be following these rules especially the view point. I enjoy playing with camera angles, below is a picture I took of a bridge in Covington, Ohio that I used a unique camera angle to capture the photography.

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