Friday, February 18, 2011

In Class Assignments

Pen Shapes

Pen Shapes Distorted


Lines with Brush Strokes




Sumo Paint

Thursday, February 17, 2011

J2: Monochromatic

Monochromatic (Journal 2/Post 10)

Monochromatic is the combination of many tints or shades or the original hue or color. My image below uses 3 tints of the original pink hue.

There are many other types of color combination including analogous, alternate analogous, split complement, triad, and value variation. I believe the monochromatic may be the hardest to use in many design aspects.

J2: Art on a Beach

Art on a Beach (Journal 2/Post 9)

In December I visited Florida like I do every year to see my grandparents. To my surprise as I was walking down the beach a local artist was working on a sand sculpture for her family's christmas card. I watched her and her family (husband and two sons) work on this piece for almost an hour, to watch them work was amazing you could tell they really enjoyed doing this as a family. Her detail work was fantastic and all of the special touches helped tell the story.

Above is a image of the whole sculpture while below is image of Snoopy close up.

J2: Iconic Art

Iconic Art (Journal 2/ Post 8)

Throughout the United States there are many art sculptures that are iconic to Americans, other than monuments like the Lincoln Memorial and the Statue of Liberty there are smaller art sculptures that are very known.

Above is a picture I took while visiting Millennium Park in Chicago, Illinois. The image is of the reflection of me and my fiance Kent with the Chicago skyline behind us, the reflection is from the very well known piece the Cloud Gate which was inspired by liquid mercury.

Below is a image of the sculpture LOVE that was a symbol for peace during the Vietnam War. The piece was created by artist Robert Indiana. This piece is located in the Civic Center Mall.

There are so many different art pieces throughout the world that are growing tourists attraction.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

J2: Mark Verhaagen

Mark Verhaagen (Journal 2/Post 7)

Mark's work is very interesting because of his unique style and child like characteristics that he uses in some of his designs. He mainly works on commission work along with doing personal work on the side. Some of the commissioned work he has done is with AOL and for Spin Master, who create Zoobles.
Zoobles are little creatures with the ability to magically transform from a tiny ball into a cute, mischievous and quirky little creature.
His work is very clean lines with a lot of detail and color. The color appeals towards children because of the bright colors add a sense of happiness. I like that each character has their own style like how the morph from the ball to the character.

J2: Photography-The art behind the lens

Photography-The art behind the lens (Journal 2/Post 6)

Photography allows someone who may no be good at drawing or painting the opportunity to be creative. Any individual can take a picture but is it a good photograph? While taking a good photograph you have to think about so many different things like the rule of thirds, leading lines, and view point. These things are important because it adds visual character and easy for the viewers eyes to follow.


Rule of Thirds

Imagine 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines creating the image in 9 equal parts. Try and position the most important parts of the image in the corners where these lines meet.

Leading Lines
Eyes are naturally geared to follow different lines when using lines in a photography you should use them to the benefit of the photograph. To do this it should allow your viewers eyes to follow through the image for example a road should lead you through or to something.

View Point
View point is important because it adds interest to the photograph. Before snapping the picture see what would add interest maybe it shouldn't be shot from eye level but should be shot from a bird's eye view or even a dog's eye view.

From personal experience you capture more unique and creative images be following these rules especially the view point. I enjoy playing with camera angles, below is a picture I took of a bridge in Covington, Ohio that I used a unique camera angle to capture the photography.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

J2: The Art of Tie Dye

The Art of Tie Dye (Journal 2/Post 5)

Above is an image of some of my personal tie dye collection.

Tie dye first became popular in our area in the early 1970's. It is art you can wear proudly by either purchasing pre made pieces or by creating your own tie dye piece. You can use many pieces of clothing such as cotton shirts on socks. There are many different ways to create different patterns on your tie dye piece the different items that you can use to help you hold the dye from reaching a specific part of the clothing that you want to stay the original color, these items include rubber bands or string. You use this items by attaching them to the clothing in many different ways (use your creativity). If you are really creative you can dye the shirt by hand without any items to hold the dye from specific parts of the shirts.

J2: Stipple Art

Stipple Art (Journal 2/Post 4)

This is an example of stipple art I found online. I find stipple art very intriguing because of the time and detail an artist puts in the final image they create. There are many things I want to know about stipple art, they are:
How many mistakes an artist makes during a stipple piece they are working on?
How does an artist fix a mistake in stipple art or do they start over? (if they start over I think they are crazy)
How does an artist get started in stipple art?

One day I hope to try stipple art maybe something small and if I enjoy I would like to try a self-portrait or a landscape.

J2: Black & White Photography

Black & White Photography (Journal 2/Post 3)

All the photographs in the above video are by the photographer Ansel Adams. I enjoy Ansel Adams work because of the character that comes out in his black and white landscape photographs.

"I hope that my work will encourage self expression in others and stimulate the search for beauty and creative excitement in the great world around us." Said by Ansel Adams.

I do believe his work inspires me as an artist in photography. I challenge myself to capture beautiful landscapes in black and white to see all of the wonderful characteristics that are surrounding us everyday. The image below is a photography I took when I was inspired by Ansel Adams.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

J2: Illin' Test

Illin' Test Journal 2/Post 2

Relate 3 to 5 different ways to find Adobe Illustrator
You can find Adobe Illustrator in many ways including the icon being located on the toolbar, find in recently used applications, search for the application using spotlight search, or by opening up an illustrator file.

What version of illustrator are you working with?
I am working with Adobe Illustrator CS4

What are vector graphics?
Vector Graphics are a collection of points, lines, curves, or shapes represented by a mathematical equation to create an image.

What are bit-mapped graphics?
Bit-mapped graphics are created from individuals pixels or small squares/points of color.

What do we mean when we say a program is “raster based”
A raster based program is the editing of pixels.

What do we mean when you say a program is “object-oriented”?
A program that uses objects consisting of data fields to design applications.

What are the differences between Illustrator and Photoshop?
Illustrator is a vector based image editing software while Photoshop is a raster based image editing software.

What is a stroke?
A stroke is a object usually a line that is either a solid, dashed, or dotted.

What is A fill?
It applies a color or pattern filling an object such as a rectangle or circle.

What is a pixel?
A pixel is the smallest point of a picture that can be controlled during editing. It is usually represented with a square and is a point of color.

What does a “command R” do?
Command R adds or removes the rulers in Illustrator.

What are the keyboard commands for:

zoom in

"command +"
zoom out
"command -"
fit in window
"command 0"
actual size
"command 1"

How else can you get to these commands?
In the drop down menu of the view button within the toolbar.

What is the navigator and how do you find it?
The navigator is a special toolbar that allows allows you to zoom in and out of your document and move the zoomed in area to a different place. You can find it in the window button of the toolbar.

Where else can you find palettes if they are not up (or available or visible)?
You can find the different palettes in the window button of the toolbar.

What is the color palette and...
The color palette gives you quick access to the commonly used colors in Illustrator. do you find it?
You can find it in the window button of the toolbar.

What is the swatches palette and how do you find it?
The swatches palette is place to give you quick access to different colors or patterns. It can be found in the window button of the toolbar. You can also add custom swatches to your palette.

What is the brushes palette and how do you find it?
The brushes palette is a quick selection of the variety of shapes and sizes of the brushes that Illustrator offers. The palette menu can be found in the window button of the toolbar.

What is the selection tool and how does this work?
A selection tool is a tool that lets you select the shape or object and move it freely throughout the document.

What is the pen tool?
A pen tool allows you to create anchor points that will automatically connect to each other to create an object.

What is the direct selection tool what does this do?
A direct selection tool is a tool that allows you to select the entire object and move it around but it also allows you to select a specific anchor point and move it to create a different shape.

How do you properly close a shape?
You properly close a shape by connecting the end point to the beginning point, you will see a small circle appear next to the pen tool when these points are together.

Find the rectangle tool…what does this do? Where is the ellipse tool?
The rectangle tool creates a rectangle object unless you have it constrained to make a square, you do this by holding down the shift button. The ellipse tool creates a oval object unless you have it constrained to make a circle, you also do this by holding down the shift button.

When you move the pen tool around, what does a tiny “X” to the bottom right of the pen icon tell you?
The tiny "x" tells you that it is the starting point of the shape or object.

How about a (-)?
A tiny - sign appears when you are able to delete a anchor point.

How about a (+)?
A tiny + sign appears when you are using the pen tool when you move the tool over any path of the shape.

How do you turn a letter into an object or outline?
Go to the type drop down menu then click create outlines.

Did you do the blocks and circles exercises outlined in the handout? Show me a page of these exercises please.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

J2: Type-Script

Type- Script Journal 2/Post 1

Script type is suppose to resemble an individuals cursive handwriting. The biggest feature of script type is the look of a continuous motion from one letter to the next letter.

World Alphabet

The world Alphabet images where found while searching in Google Maps. The music is called Map of the World by Monsters of Folk.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

J1: My Motto

My Motto (Journal 1/Post 10)

My motto is "You don't take a photograph, you make it" said by Ansel Adams. I use this motto for my life in photography.

J1: What I Am Listening To

What I Am Listening To (Journal 1/Post 9)

I am listening to a band called She & Him. I enjoy this band because of their style and personality that comes out in their music. My favorite song is called you got a hold on me.

J1: My Favorite Food & Drink

My Favorite Food & Drink (Journal 1/Post 8)

My favorite drink is Blue Raspberry Lemonade Kool-Aid while my favorite food is cheese and crackers. I stock up on the kool-aid in the winter because it is to popular to find throughout the summer. I actually eat cheese and crackers for an entire meal.

J1: My Favorite Destination

My Favorite Destination (Journal 1/Post 7)

My favorite destination is Navy Pier in Chicago, Illinois. At Navy Pier I especially enjoy riding the ferris wheel, it provides you with a different view of the Chicago skyline.

J1: My Favorite Writer

My Favorite Writer (Journal 1/Post 6)

My favorite writer is Jeanette Ingold who wrote The Window. This is also my favorite book because of the story, where a blind girl is trying to live life in a crazy world.

J1: My Hobby

My Hobby (Journal 1/Post 5)

I enjoy photography because you can capture many things while being behind the camera. I especially enjoy senior portraits, and nature photography. I have also shot a wedding and have another in June, the down fall to these is that they are very stressful.

J1: My Favorite Clothing

My Favorite Clothing (Journal 1/Post 4)

My favorite pieces of clothing are from my tie-dye collection. I really enjoy making tie-dye because of the different things you can do with it.

J1: What I Appreciated Most About Being a Kid

What I Appreciated Most About Being a Kid (Journal 1/Post 3)

I appreciated spending time with my family when we would travel to Disney. Even though I am not a child anymore I still enjoy going to Disney with my family.

J1: My Favorite Color

My Favorite Color (Journal 1/Post 2)

My favorite color would be gray because it is the in between, in between black and white.

J1: What I Like Most About Being Creative J1

What I Like Most About Being Creative (Journal 1/Post 1)

I like that nothing has to be perfect, a child can create art that is fantastic without being perfection.